
I am a strategic partner with my clients. I build that relationship by working with employers on an exclusive, retained basis. I am a good fit for employers who want a highly engaged working relationship with a consultative executive search partner - a partner who is committed to the success of each search, and to the success of your mission and vision.

Every organization, every position, every person, every situation is unique. I customize my approach accordingly. I am constantly listening, learning, and adapting - not assuming I already know everything.

I get to know my clients and candidates as people, while leveraging technology tools behind the scenes to enhance my capabilities. Treating people with human courtesy, kindness, respect, and dignity is essential to my success and yours. More important, it's just the right thing to do.

Let's be honest: recruiting, hiring, and employment are complex systems rife with deep and persistent bias. I design my practices (such as my Unbias Your Hiring sourcing method, and my flat neutral fee policy) with the conscious intent to counteract bias in my recruiting work, and to diversify hiring outcomes.

תיקון עולם
Tikkun olam is the precept that the world is broken, and our purpose in life is to repair and heal it through kindness and social action. One way I do that is by directing a portion of revenues to the Peter Gray Executive Search Impact Fund, which expands my capacity for pro bono and subsidized work.